Stephen Young


First Class Lounge!

Currently I am sitting in the in the London Airport Air Canada Executive Lounge drinking white wine and eating olives. Our tickets from London to Toronto magically got upgraded from Economy Class to Executive which means we get to eat all the free food and drinks we can manage. Jane, myself, Steph, and Danny all met up in Nairobe after coming through Entebbe and Dar es Salaam respectively.

Our drive from Karagwe to Uganda was slow, but sure - except for the final stage were the car's differential fell off and Joseph (man of all trades) had to pull under the car and fix it up. This happened conviently at 1AM on the road from Kampala to Entebbe.

Saying goodbye to everyone in TZ was abrupt, but I hope we left everyone on good terms. Mama Comboni, Anna and Comboni all gave us warm goodbyes along with our good friends from next door. I will miss fetching water and practicing Swahili with with.

In Uganda we had to continually remind people that Jane and I didn't have a lot of money to spend. We discouraged visits to the fancy resorts, of which there are so many in Entebbe, although jane and I did go to visit a few on our own just to see how extravagant they were.

All in all the summer has been a wicked experience full of learning, challenges and new friends. I will miss the unique environement and the many people I come to know. I only hope I can make good on my promise to return some day.
