Here's my latest wacky idea! It's a cool new fundraising strategy for EWB Waterloo! Since we are promoting the .7 Pledge to students at UW, why not also approach coop students to donate 0.7% of their paychecks to EWB. If we can do it then Canada can do it! "Be the Change, Donate the Change." From some rough math, if we get 3% of all current coop students to participate we could pull in about $2000 a term. Hopefully this would also create a regular flow of funds for future years. It would also be a great segway for the more structured corporate fundraising strategy Wayne is developing.
What do you think?
I'm going to try this out by:
1) Getting feedback from EWB UW fundraising team (Wayne and Co.)
2) Asking the National Office to set up an online donation on for UW. This will allow people to automatically donate a monthly amount from a credit card.
3) Setting up my own 0.7% donation
4) Convincing my company to match all coop and employee donations
5) Thinking of ways to promote this to the student body
Just wanted to get that down on "paper". Hopefully it'll work!
What do you think?
I'm going to try this out by:
1) Getting feedback from EWB UW fundraising team (Wayne and Co.)
2) Asking the National Office to set up an online donation on for UW. This will allow people to automatically donate a monthly amount from a credit card.
3) Setting up my own 0.7% donation
4) Convincing my company to match all coop and employee donations
5) Thinking of ways to promote this to the student body
Just wanted to get that down on "paper". Hopefully it'll work!
hey steve
i just came across your blog while i was sitting here at lunch, looking through the ewb website. and i just read this idea and i think it's AMAZING!! i hope you get this message, cause i totally think this idea is awesome and possible. i'd definitely be up to helping you with this kinda thing (although i'm on the opposite term). anyway, i think it's awesome. put it into reality soon.
Anonymous, at 9:10 PM
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