Stephen Young


Day 2 complete

Karagwe, Tanzania - I've moved in with my host family and begun life in Africa. The world here is shockingly different but surprisingly similar. The eldest son of my family has malaria and vomited several times today, blood as well. Afterwards during dinner, we watched CNN and BBC describe the "close call" the White House had with a plane. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

My family's father, Joseph Sekiku, is the founder and director of FADECO ( - which is the organization I'm working with . Although we are still planning the details of my work I will offer the information I have so far. I will be splitting my time between two towns - Kayange and Nyansanki. In Kayange I'll be working and sleeping in a small (3 rooms) home/office where I'll be doing project planning, writing proposals, helping with building and construction, and working with the team to improve a computer training center. In the other city, FADECO is opening a skills training center (vocational training). The center is currently being constructed; started but not finished. Although vague, our role will be in planning the layout of the center as well as equipping the rooms with electricity and supplies. Possibly we'll also influence the design and construction of the building. Our director wants the building to be unique and stand out and he's left this responsibility to us.

Tomorrow we learn about past and present projects FADECO has run. Additionally we'll hammer out the details of our involvement. Determining how we can contribute will be key... I fear Joseph assumes we are more qualified then we truly are. This is scary. Alas, fear leads to action, and action leads to learning, and something eventually leads to success.

Three and a half months doesn't really seem like a long time when you think about it all together. At waterloo we do it all the time. Still I don't know how this summer will feel. Quick like last term? or slow and painful? At least it will be educational and I will hopefully (not) get malaria.

Throughout this note we refers to myself and my volunteer partner, Jane

Best wishes to all of you at home and around the world!



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